Tuesday, July 14, 2015

ToothPaste Ingredients, Safety Ratings - Natural Alternatives to Enzyme and Mineral Supplements

The ingredient danger rating of Tom's Fluoride free toothpaste is much lower than Colgates. The ingredient that is rated as least safe in Tom's is Zinc Citrate Trihydrate. 

I looked through the ingredient list of a number of calcium+magnesium+zinc supplements and noticed that they vary widely in the type of zinc. Some actually don't use zinc at all. Instead they use oils that are high in zinc such as peanut oil. 

This is not the first time I noticed this. CQ10 is available as a supplement. If you look at the ingredient list of a CQ10 supplement you will notice that it is rice bran oil. Thats how I found out about rice bran oil. Its much much cheaper when purchased in the grocery section.

EWG.org's online cosmetic and oral care ingredient database will be useful to determine the safety of Beauty Bar mouthwash. I believe ewg.org will do a free safety rating of products. However the marketing of mouthwash and the regulations that control it are complicated and a legal nightmare.

Toms of Maine Hazardous Ingredients


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